Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Oh Boy!

Just got my confirmation email that a World Vets packet is on the way - complete with another World Vets scrub top! Now I won't have to jump in a pool every day on this trip. Thank goodness, since I understand Romania in October is much colder than Nicaragua in March.

On the little dog front, two of our li'l projects have eye ulcers, but we can't send them to an opthamologist yet as the owner has still not relinquished ownership. So we're medicating as best we can until the owners finally admit that they can't proplerly care for 40 small dogs, at which point we'll be looking for new owners/wealthy sponsors willing to cover the cost of eye care/skin care/general grooming care. I hope. If the owners admit they can't properly care for the dogs. I hope they "get it" really soon.

1 comment:

  1. I should update that the owners didn't "get it" and we had no legal recourse but to return the dogs and hope that they will receive proper care from now on. Please hope with me. Poor li'l dogs.
